One of thesecrets of successof the leather shoessignedFabiisdefinitelythe choice of materials. A careful selection ofhidesthathavecharacterized the productionof the Maison since takingitsfirst steps.

What are theleathersthat make theshoes by Fabi so beautiful, comfortable, strong and durable? Let’sget introduced to the hides kinds and typesand their maincharacteristics.

The main types of leathers in Fabi shose 

CalfAn hidedurable andable tomaintain itselasticity andborbidezzafor a long period.

  • Full grains Calfskin: very precious. This leatherbringssmallimperfections” that make it uniqueandthatnoevidence of askinretouched.

  • Aged calf: soft. Thisprocessingallows to enhancethestrength and flexibilityof the leather.

  • Brushed calf: luxurious. With this finish, the skin becomes shiny, giving an aura of luxury to the shoe. The handmade brushing, with its imperfections, pass on to each shoe all the features of a unique and lived shoe.

Lamb-Asmooth and silky skin, able toensurea good isolation, remaining lightweight. Idealforstuffnot onlyshoes, butalsoglovesandotherwinter garments.

Suede-Comfortableand sporty, the suedeisa hidethatcan be combined with profiled soles. Idealfor casual shoes.

Shoes Fabi beyond leathers

Materialscertainlyplaya key roleina quality shoe, butmust be associated withaprocessthat enhancesthe strengthsandensure itslong life.

Fabihas a longtraditionof quality footwear production that guarantees the correctfinishingof the leather and the best production techniques.

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