What’s the correct men’s elegant blazer length? That question may seem trivial, but on which you which you can put at risk the overall effect of a smart look.

The men’s blazer may seem like a rather simple garment, but to well trained eyes its cut reveals an infinite number of variables and details that make of it an item of clothing to choose with care and attention.

Obviously, beyond the choice of the right measures and proportions, the overall effect will be enhanced by the choice of an item of men’s clothing made in Italy as warranty of quality and class.

There are some general rules that may be useful to define the basic proportions:

Trunk length: the length of the trunk, by etiquette, should reach to cover the pelvis. Let this length draw an imaginary line of division of the whole figure into two equal parts. Another point of reference for this proportion is the hand. Arm relaxed along your sides, the edge of the jacket should reach the thumb knuckle.

Sleeve length: an additional critical factor in the definition of the proper men’s blazer proportion is the length of the sleeve. Let once again your arm hang at your side, the blazer sleeve should allow to see a few millimeters of the shirt cuff. With arm bent, the cuff will be shown for about half an inch.

Neck: the blazer should allow to see an inch of shirt collar.

These proportions are functional to prevent men’s blazer, distinctive element of elegance, to turn into a sloppy accessory of clumsiness. Still, choosing the correct men’s blazer length and details must also respond to the specific characteristics and shape of the wearer.


